Arts Resources for Online Learning

I put together a list of resources to share with the teachers I work with and wanted to share it more widely. In this time of working from home and learning at home, here are some links to help kids and parents keep making and learning about art. I’ve updated this to a padlet now that I’m figuring out some of the technology!

Made with Padlet

My other advice for parents would be to let kids get a little bored and then let them discover what they can do with what they have at home. I use recycled materials in the classroom a lot (so much cardboard!!) and am always impressed by the range of ideas students have about what a material can become and how they solve creative problems with what they have available.

If you have other resources to add here, please contact me and I’ll add it to the list!

Our living room floor art studio on top of cardboard to protect the rug. My 4 year old has a can of crayons, basic watercolors and some metallic watercolors (ooh!), watercolor paper I had in my stash, brushes, and a jar of water. I told her to try drawing different lines with her crayons and then paint over them and see what happens.